Since we started Art Marketing Secrets in 2005 there has been a treasure trove of truly great advice from literally thousands of sites on how to market and sell art online and offline. Its entirely possible that the sum total of all the worlds best thinking on this topic has already been expressed and exhausted multiple times. Many times when I read articles about marketing or selling art, I feel like I’m just reading the same old stuff creatively re-expressed in new phrases. I mean really – how much more can be said?
The question is – what have you done with all this knowledge and advice? Have you been successful building your artist brand? Have you worked on creating and marketing as if your life depended on it? Have you received the recognition you’ve been looking for? Have you sold your work? Are you able to spend more time engaging in your creativity because your business building efforts are starting to pay off?
In our lives we are subject to multiple influences from people, local and worldly events and trends, not to mention our destiny and spiritual purpose (if you believe in that). Sometimes we can even feel like victims of circumstances beyond our control. But above everything else lies our belief in ourselves and our will to succeed – in whatever way that is meaningful to each one of us.
What are you willing to do to be successful?
I recently listened to a business seminar in which the presenter talked about having worked 12 hour days consistently for years before he became successful. He had an intuitive sense that if he made that level of commitment, at some point the tides would turn and he would become successful – and sure enough he did. And he saw the same thing happen to many others he worked with.
There is so much mis-information around about how to be successful. So many articles, books, and CD sets want you to believe that abundance and success are yours for the taking for just a couple of hours a day. I wanted to believe that for the longest time – but after many years I realized that its just a great message to sell books and seminars! Life rewards tremendous effort – it is a law of nature.
Go check out any self-made super-successful person and you’ll find that for most of them a twelve hour day was probably one of their shorter working days. And they weren’t standing in the corridors shooting the breeze with co-workers – they were creating and building almost all the time. I’ve seen it so many times and I’ve proven it for myself as well.
So what am I saying here?
First of all, DO seek out and accept guidance from creative and business professionals. You can find this on a bunch of great art marketing and art technique websites and there are also lots of wonderful art and business coaches around who can inspire and guide you.
Second, become a master of your craft, whether it is original fine art or licensed images that make children happy at birthday parties.
Third, get a great artist website and promote your work continuously to your target market, whether it be galleries, tourists, hotels, or licensing agents.
Fourth, work as if your life depended on it. If your situation and health allow you to then do dedicate twelve or more hours a day. If you are working a job or have a family to take care of then decide on what you can commit to and make it happen. But not every day – be sure to take rest days to recover, balance the brain hemispheres, and breathe in inspiration.
Finally, learn to love working really hard as a gift from the universe. When you start to see results you will feel REALLY GOOD and will have that tremendous sense of accomplishment that all self-made people enjoy. AND you will be enriching the world with beauty and creativity, both of which are sorely needed.