Once in a while I get to share some more personal insights with you. Normally we like to keep the attention on you, the great artists of our times, but today it’s my turn!
The revealing information you didn’t know about me before is that I have been an avid student of my dreams for about 25 years. I have learned many things from this and I can honestly say that my life has been richer and more rewarding as a result. I have sometimes avoided problems, had insights into future directions, studied in dream-universities, and hung out with very real dream-friends (most of whom I have never seen in my waking life).
Dreams cut across all philosophies and religious teachings – everyone has them, at least once in a while. Some people believe that dreams are simple re-runs of recent events twisted into strange patterns. Others think that they are purely the result of chemical and electrical processes in the brain. To me, they are simply another layer of reality.
The reason I bring this up today is that while I was writing another article I remembered a dream from a few nights ago. It went like this:
I was having a conversation with an artist about her art career. She was describing how she had been in discussions with a major gallery to have her work represented by them and that the whole process had been going really really well. Until…. she referred to herself as an EMERGING artist. After that, the gallery director completely lost interest and the whole representation deal fell through.
That’s it. So, I was wondering what this dream meant. It’s possible that this is some yet-to-be deciphered message just for moi. But here is what I think it means:
Maybe the whole “emerging” title doesn’t really serve anyone.
Do we refer to engineers or attorneys or car dealers as “emerging”. No. Would you go have a treatment from an “emerging” acupuncturist? Not me :).
So what is the whole “emerging artist” thing all about really? The more I think about it it sounds like one of those B-grade horror flicks where creatures emerge from the swamp! Now, would a gallery director want to hang out with those folks? Probably not!
Maybe an artist is simply an “artist”. And maybe the tag of “emerging” keeps us in a box where we don’t belong or need to be. As we said in a previous article, there’s that old saying, “Wherever you put your attention, there you go…”, and once you think of yourself as emerging, maybe you’ll always be struggling to fully emerge and be successful.
Or maybe it really was a couple of mis-firing neurons in my brain that night…
Hey Daniel,
I love this. Not only from the "getting to know inside info about Daniel" perspective but because the emerging artist thing has always made me wonder. I have even used the phrase many times but never in reference to myself that I can remember.
Why? The reason why delves into my "geekiness" regarding self talk and positive mental attitude. As you mentioned, by attaching a simple word before artist it limits us. Most often that limitation is self imposed.
I believe that being an artist is an internal-who-you-are gig. Either you are an artist or not. The level of competency and technical skill-set that continues to improve over time only reflects ones rise in income, nothing else.
Hey Daniel enjoyed your article it made me think of my own status I've been painting for years , but I don't concider myself as an emerging artist ,I'm just an artist.
Thanks for sharing. A full one thrid of our life is spent sleeping and much of that is dream time for me. It seems reasonable that we could learn something from our dreams. The very best and most meaningful paintings I've ever done came directly from my dreams. I hope you will continue to listen to the message of your dreams.
By the way, how much time should an artist spend "emerging" anyway, and why emerge when you can simply "be"?
You might be interested in checking out the School of Metaphysics. They have done over 40 years worth of dream research and intuitive reports. The Oklahoma City is actual selling dream calendars which displays paintings we did for the National Dream weekend, which are based on common dream symbols. You can find the calendar on my website if you are interested. The main web page for the School of Metaphysics is http://www.som.org on the site they also have a link to the dream school as well.
Thanks for the comments Tim, Art, Linda, and Luke. It meant a lot to me to hear your positive responses!
Great insightful article Daniel. Dreams are very important, and with yours you have transformed my own personal thinking about my career in 2010. I am now officially an 'artist'! (sans emerging…). Brilliant.
Sometimes I have described myself as a "under the radar" artist, but then the question is why use this or any term at all, including "emerging". Both of these terms seem like apologies for not being a mature, successful and well known artist with a long list of shows. But every artist starts at the beginning building a career and record so really there is no reason to apologize for being at any stage of development in one's art career.
Hi Daniel,
Great article and good comments! I am a believer in dreams as well as positive thinking. I, too, gain much insight through my dreams. I never thought about the term emerging before, and am guilty of having used it a couple of times. It really is a silly word though. In truth I am an artist, and wherever I am in my life's path is irrelevant. It matters more the integrity of my art, and how I convey my artistic passion.
It is so true that all of our words are affirmations, so with that I now remove the word "emerging" from my vocabulary!
" I am an amazing, creative, visionary artist of great worth and my expression of truth is wonderful and valid!" ta-da!!
I love this! You all inspire me so much!
Wow, I have to agree with you, 'emerging' sounds like 'hi, I don't know what I'm doing & I have no confidence'.
I never thought to use this term to describe myself, and am this moment I sure am glad! 😉
Thanks for sharing your insight.
Daniel, You couldn't be more right than the way you said it. After being on the art scene for the past thirty-eight years, I would take offense for someone to refer to me as an emerging artist, simply because that someone was only now discovering my work. Many people accept the parlance of an industry without ever checking its context and how it is applied.
Always be just that fabulous thing…An Artist. That is what I am. I am an artist. Do not classify or pigeon-hole me. It is what I will always be, An Artist with a fabulous, unique art-vision. lets face it Gallery Representation is not the only avenue to an income. Have your own e-commerce online shop pages with PayPal…and think globally with your market. Your Art + its shipping cost to say the UK, Europe or The USA/Canada as it is in my case…its easy…it must be because I can do it.