Believe me, I’m no expert at this and would welcome other thoughts about how other artists name their paintings.
Here are some suggestions I’ve heard:
· Go to a paint store and gather some of those paint …
Advertise in Art Industry Publications
If you are willing to spend a little money, you can promote yourself by advertising in art industry publications. A good example is ARTnews, which has a large, worldwide circulation, mainly read by collectors, dealers …
List your Art in Online Registries & Art Directories
There are several online art registries where you can submit samples of your work including images, artist statements, bios, etc. Registries are used by museum and gallery curators when they are …
Send Email invitations and Queries
Galleries are quickly becoming much more comfortable with operating on the internet. Most have their own websites so it makes sense that they are willing to work with you online.
A very useful approach to …
This weeks art quote comes from collector Edgar Paulik:
“If I won $25 million I’d spend $30 million overnight on art work”
Don’t you just dream of a collector like that!
Technorati Tags: art, art collectors, art …
For many artists, the primary purpose of their website is to attract the attention of art galleries and dealers. A well designed website showcasing quality art will get the attention of arts professionals when they see it. But how do …
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from us in a few days……… We’re on Vacation! That’s right, our down-under sensibilities require that we take at least one good vacation every year, so here we are in Cape Cod, MA …
I thought the following quote from James Allen to be particularly appropriate in the context of artistic achievement:
…The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in
Sunday is a great day to reflect on your motivations as an artist. Are you determined to succeed? What does success mean to you anyway? Here are some thoughts from a great leader and a great artist:
…Nothing in the
One of our favorite arts publications is The Artist’s Magazine as it always has great resources for emerging, mid-career, and veteran artists. October’s issue is definitely worth a trip to the news stand.
What particularly caught my attention was an …