Wheat Field With Cypresses - Vincent Van Gogh 1889
Vincent is without question my favorite artist of all time. I was asleep to art until I saw his “Portrait Of The Artist, 1889” at the Musee D’Orsay in Paris in 1996. The painting moved with life-force even though it was more than a hundred years old and a part of me that had been dormant for decades awoke to the symphony of art.
The featured art for this week, “Wheat Field With Cypresses” is a stunning example of Van Gogh at his best which I was fortunate to see in the flesh at the Met in New York a few years ago. The whole painting moves with the same energy that Vincent saw in that field in 1889. It makes me feel happy and passionate about life. It makes me want to live my life fully!
When you are next in New York, make a plan to visit the Met and spend some time with this stunning work.
There is nobody else there. A solitary man watches from deep within, and the pain of a solitary existence dicepates with the the instant recognition of the mixing of pigment; He let go and let forth a mighty sigh that made the wind visible; wind that moved the everchanging clouds; wind that combed the wheat like an unseen hand through nature. I have read the letters. That torrent of fear and love mixed like oil and water saw the path clearly. I see the image clearly now that the tale of this life has been told. May the soul that created this work be at eternal rest. The job is done.
Thanks for that great comment Lee – nothing else I can say because you said it all!